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Jessica Alba 'can't ever get down' to pre-baby weight

Michael Thompson / Allure

After her first pregnancy, Jessica Alba made a concerted effort to get back into the shape she was in before giving birth to her daughter Honor. And while she certainly appeared to be successful, she tells Allure that she won't ever be back to her pre-baby weight.

"I can't ever get down to the weight I was before I had Honor," she told the magazine. "My body's just different. The jeans just sort of zip up differently, and things hang differently. It's a miracle what happens, but you definitely are different afterward ... Unless you're Gisele."

Alba also said that having a baby made her better understand her own sexuality. "I was quite shy with it," she said. "It wasn't something I embraced until I had my daughter. I saw how incredible and amazing it is to be a woman and to be able to create a life. There's a reason why certain areas of the body are desirable -- because it all leads to reproduction. There's a science behind it all. It's not just to sell whatever you're selling on a billboard or a magazine or a movie."