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Kylie Minogue suffers when you play too much 'Dance Central'

This is what playing too much
This is what playing too much

As anyone who owns a Kinect full-body motion-sensing controller knows, the game "Dance Central" offers up the most fun you can have playing with the new Xbox 360 device.

I recently had a chance to try the forthcoming "Dance Central 2" and it looks like it's going to offer even more utterly ridiculous booty-shaking good times. That is, it's going to allow two players to shake their money makers at the same time in a new multiplayer mode that's sure to inspire some epic home-spun dance-offs.

Your living room and your game parties will never be the same.

But what happens when you spend too much time practicing your dance moves in the privacy of your own home with only your Kinect, your over-active imagination and your dreams of stardom to keep you company? An online spot for "Dance Central" (brought to us by British comedy director Becky Martin) offers a warning. A dire, dire warning:

(Thanks to Kotaku for the heads up.)

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Winda Benedetti writes about games for You can follow her tweets about games and other things right here on Twitter.