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Links for the 9/25 TRMS

Washington Post polls: Obama lead in Ohio, edge in Fla. hamper Romney path to victory

Obama campaign holds ground-game advantage as early voting begins

Obama campaign had twice the staff as Romney last month at same cost

An Evangelical Is Back From Exile, Lifting Romney

Ralph Reed's Group Compares Obama Policies to Nazi Germany

Ralph Reed's ridiculous survey (pdf)

Republicans Deliver Cake For Elizabeth Warren On Occupy Anniversary

Scott Brown staffers do "Indian war whoop", "tomahawk chop" - YouTube

Long lines wrap up early Tampa Bay voting

Inside story: How Obama won Florida: It took passion, precision and a little bit a luck for the Obama team to turn Florida from red to blue

Long lines, but smooth voting in east and west Tampa

Florida voters facing a long, long ballot in November

Gov. Rick Scott signs election bill that cuts early-voting days

Florida early voting cuts survive

Segregating American Citizenship: Latino Voter Disenfranchisement in 2012

Living Under Drones

US drone kills senior al-Qaida figure, 5 others in Pakistan