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McCaskill ad slams Akin over rape comments

Despite repeated calls for him to step down, Todd "legitimate rape" Akin kept his promise to stay in the Missouri Senate race.

The final deadline to withdrawal from the ballot came and went on Tuesday, as the Republican candidate carried on with a statewide bus tour.

Democratic opponent, Senator Claire McCaskill isn't backing down either. She's just getting started, as evidenced by a new TV ad released today which reminds voters of the bat-crap crazy things her rival has said.

At a press conference yesterday, Akin explained he's in the race because Republican voters of Missouri specifically "chose" him for the task of winning McCaskill's Senate seat. 

While most Republicans distanced themselves from the bat-crap crazy conservative, including Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, Newt Gingrich showed his continued support of the candidate and predicted the other guys will come around to seeing it his way.

"My expectation would be that in the crunch in October, Governor Romney is going to be for the entire ticket, and he's going to be for Todd Akin, and clearly Governor Romney has to carry Missouri in order to win the presidency."