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Meet the star of the new Fox News Barack Obama faux-scandal

As detailed Tuesday evening on The Rachel Maddow Show, Frank Vandersloot, the National Finance Co-Chair of Mitt Romney's Campaign, has become a Fox News superstar by playing the victim.

Vandersloot is claiming his health company lost "a couple hundred customers" after an Obama campaign website listed his name as a Romney super PAC donor. No less than five Fox News segments have been devoted to profiling the injustices done to Mr. Vandersloot, a billionaire. Bill O'Reilly introduced one of the segment saying, "Some believe this is political terrorism."

But as Maddow pointed out, Vandersloot claimed he was losing customers long before the Obama campaign website identified him prominent Romney donor.  (Vandersloot donated $1 million to Restore Our Future).

"[T]hat's what he told us, too! Months ago!" Maddow said. "Months before President Obama's was even conceivably involved! Before that blog post even appeared on the Internets!" Vandersloot's political activities include financing billboards across Idaho warning about a public television documentary that promoted the 'homosexual lifestyle' to Idaho children, something the Rachel Maddow show reported in February.