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Morning Maddow

One challenge faced by New Yorkers who still don't have electricity: finding a functioning outlet to charge their phones.

Life  in general in superstorm-ravaged portions of New York and New Jersey remains daunting

New  York Governor Andrew Cuomo has declared a transportation emergency

New Jersey is also dealing with a fuel spill

Lots of people have been wondering aloud what has happened to all the subway rats in New York City. Here's an educated guess.

A conservative super PAC is out with a voter fraud smart phone app that encourages users to take photos and videos and send them along to a "team of experts" to investigate. 

The Obama campaign is launching a new ad today featuring former Secretary of State Colin Powell

The Romney campaign is running ads on gas pumps in Pennsylvania.

The Missouri Republican Party is splitting the cost of a $700,000 last-minute ad campaign with Missouri senate candidate Todd Akin and a conservative super PAC says it plans to spend another $800,000 on TV ads to support Akin.

And, speaking of Republican candidates with controversial takes on rape, another one has emerged.