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"Mr Romney is still in the cloud-cuckoo-land of thinking you can do it entirely through spending cuts.... Backing business is important, but getting the macroeconomics right matters far more."

The Economist, in its endorsement of President Obama. Also?

Indeed, the extremism of his party is Mr Romney’s greatest handicap. .... But the Republicans have become a party of Torquemadas, forcing representatives to sign pledges never to raise taxes, to dump the chairman of the Federal Reserve and to embrace an ever more Southern-fried approach to social policy. Under President Romney, new conservative Supreme Court justices would try to overturn Roe v Wade, returning abortion policy to the states. The rights of immigrants (who have hardly had a good deal under Mr Obama) and gays (who have) would also come under threat. This newspaper yearns for the more tolerant conservatism of Ronald Reagan, where “small government” meant keeping the state out of people’s bedrooms as well as out of their businesses. Mr Romney shows no sign of wanting to revive it.