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My Gay Marriage Cartoons

President Obama’s decision to come out this week in support of Gay Marriage caps a decade-long shift in the acceptance of same-sex couples in this country. Obviously, there are many religious groups and individuals that will never support the idea of two men shacking up, but the polling data is pretty interesting.

When the Defense of Marriage Act was signed in 1996, only 25 percent of the American public supported same-sex marriage. Since then, support has increased gradually until an August 2010 CNN poll showed majority support for same-sex marriage, where it has remained ever since.

I decided to look back into my archives. To my surprise, I’ve drawn a great number of cartoons dealing with the idea of gay marriage.

Here’s the cartoon I drew after gay marriage was legalized in California…

Here’s a cartoon I drew after the military repealed its “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy…

While society’s view of same-sex marriage has changed over the years, the GOP’s wardrobe has remained stuck in time…

This is a cartoon I drew after two sex scandals rocked the GOP – one involving a congressman hiring a prostitute, and the other involving gay sex and a bathroom stall. You might guess how the reactions differed…

Here’s a cartoon I drew back in 2004 when gay marriage became legal in Massachusetts…

And here’s how I imagined baptist preachers might respond to the growing trend of same-sex marriages…

And because no discussion of gay marriage is complete without Bert and Ernie…