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NOW Today: What a week it's been

What a week it's been.

Sunday Vice President Biden made one of his signature gaffes. By Wednesday, the President made history in declaring that his beliefs about gay marriage had fully evolved and he was ready to support marriage equality. That stance instantly became a campaign consideration, with Mitt Romney trying to avoid the issue and get back to issue number 1: the economy. But this morning, Romney is responding to fresh questions - reports that he was a bully in high school, with a particular case targeting a student who would later come out as gay.

The question this morning - how long will this controversy last, and will it linger? Let us know what you think.


Sam Stein, The Huffington Post (@samsteinhp)

Hogan Gidley, Fmr. Santorum Communications Director (@jhogangidley)

Jodi Kantor, The New York Times (@jodikantor)


Eric Schneiderman (D), New York Attorney General