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Obama: The battle over Bain

The AP: “President Barack Obama is casting Mitt Romney as a greedy, job-killing corporate titan with little concern for the working class in a new, multi-pronged effort that seeks to undermine the central rationale for his Republican rival's candidacy: his business credentials.” More: “The commercial will be coupled with a series of events Obama's campaign is holding this week in Florida, Missouri, Iowa, Nevada and North Carolina to highlight Romney's role at Bain Capital, a company he co-founded… Vice President Joe Biden was holding two days of events in Ohio, where he was expected to discuss Romney's role as a corporate buyout specialist.”

“The president's re-election team hopes that the targeted push will help undermine Romney's standing on economic issues, which polls show to be the area where he has a decided advantage over the president going into November,” The Hill writes. And remember this? “During the Republican primary, challenger Newt Gingrich also hammered Romney on his time in the private sector. A super-PAC supporting Gingrich's efforts released a half-hour long commercial titled ‘When Mitt Romney Came to Town’ that offered a wholesale indictment of Bain Capital and Romney's work there.” Here’s that full video.

“President Barack Obama will spend Monday in New York City, and his comments in support of same-sex marriage appear likely to be a principal focus of discussion,” AP writes. “Obama is scheduled to deliver the commencement address at Barnard College, where he'll share the stage with Evan Wolfson, the founder of the pro-gay group Freedom to Marry.” That’s in addition to the fundraiser with Ricky Martin and commencement speech at Barnard.

Newsweek going for the provocative, dubs Obama -- with a rainbow halo – “The first gay president.”

“President Obama is banking on his endorsement of gay marriage to fill his campaign coffers,” the New York Daily News writes. “His team is selling a slew of LGBT merchandise on, just days after his historic backing of same-sex couples tying the knot. The items include ‘I'm out for Obama’ T-shirts, beer koozies that read ‘LGBT for Obama’ and even baby onesies with messages like ‘My two moms support Obama.’ The items cost anywhere from $10 to $40.”

Political Wire: “David Parker, the embattled chairman of the North Carolina Democratic Party, says he's staying on the job after party activists rejected his resignation, the AP reports.”