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Programming notes

*** Tuesday’s “The Daily Rundown” line-up: Chuck is joined by the Brookings Institution’s Thomas Mann and AEI’s Norm Ornstein to discuss the current do-nothing Congress. As former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown packs up his pickup truck to head north to the Granite State, the Nashua Telegraph’s political reporter Kevin Landrigan will discuss whether the moderate Republican has a chance to become a Senator to serve two different states. Plus, former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan joins Chuck to discuss his new book: “The Map and the Territory: Risk, Human Nature and the Future of Forecasting.”

*** Tuesday’s “Jansing & Co” line-up: MSNBC’s Chris Jansing interviews Rep. Sander Levin (D-MI), The Wire’s Philip Bump, National Journal’s Alex Seitz-Wald,’s Dafna Linzer, GOP strategist David Winston, EMILY’s List’s Stephanie Schriock, and Dem strategist Doug Thornell.

*** Tuesday’s “MSNBC Live with Thomas Roberts” line-up: MSNBC’s Thomas Roberts interviews Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) on the fallout from a judge’s ruling on the NSA surveillance program.  Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) will join to talk about the budget vote in the senate.  Fmr. Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH) and Washington Post Wonkblog columnist Ezra Klein will discuss whether President Obama can save his 2nd term.  Editor-in-Chief of The Advocate Matthew Breen will discuss why the magazine chose Pope Francis as its Person of the Year.  And Today’s Agenda Panel includes:’s Zerlina Maxwell, Roll Call’s Shira Center and Steve Benen of Maddowblog.

*** Tuesday’s “NOW with Alex Wagner” line-up: Alex Wagner’s guests include former Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt, Daily Beast contributor Patricia Murphy,’s Richard Wolffe, MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell, and the Guardian’s Spencer Ackerman.

*** Tuesday’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” line-up: NBC’s Andrea Mitchell will interview Gen. (retired) Michael Lehnert, ACLU Director Hina Shamsi, the Center for Public Integrity’s Dave Levinthal, the Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza and Ruth Marcus and NBC’s Keir Simmons reports from inside Syria.

*** Tuesday’s “News Nation with Tamron Hall” line-up: MSNBC’s Tamron Hall interviews Sen. Bill Nelson, Doctors without Borders Central African Republic mission head Sylvain Groulx, Former FL state attorney Kendall Coffey, and The Chicago Reporter’s Angela Caputo.