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Romney down in swing states, let's chat

Mitt Romney on the campaign trail Wednesday in Bedford Heights, Ohio.
Mitt Romney on the campaign trail Wednesday in Bedford Heights, Ohio.Mandel Ngan/Getty Images

Hey Mitt Romney, can I talk to you for a second?

Look, we're less than six weeks away from election day and the poll numbers aren't good. They're really not good at all. According to the latest New York Times/CBS/Quinnipiac poll, you're down in Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio. I know your campaign doesn't pay attention to outside polls, and hey I totally get that. But people are starting to talk. Not only are conservatives within the Republican Party starting to talk, it seems the voters are as well...

Let's talk poll numbers. The Romney-Ryan ticket is losing to President Obama in key swing states, but what makes these numbers so remarkable is that the gap between the candidates is slowly but surely turning into a canyon. In Florida, Obama leads, 53 to 44 percent. In Pennsylvania, the president is crushing you by 12 points, 54 to 42 percent. 

And what about the Team Romney bus tour through Ohio? You're trailing the president by 10 points in the Buckeye State, 53 to 43 percent. And speaking of polls, Bloomberg released a new survey that shows Obama ahead by a six point margin nationally, 49 to 43 percent.   

These poll numbers come on the heels of a the now infamous "47 percent" video released last week. Looking at these numbers, and your latest television ad looking right into the camera (let's be honest, a tactic saved for when a candidate is in trouble) it's clear this foot-in-mouth disease is having an effect on the electorate.

So governor, you've got a little under six weeks left to turn this thing around. As Ed Rendell advised today on MSNBC, you've got to move up while the president is moving down in order to win.