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Romney takes closing argument for final Colorado swing

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO — Mitt Romney offered Colorado voters a final look at his presidential résumé on Saturday afternoon, delivering an updated version of his "closing argument" speech to some 4,500 supporters gathered in an airplane hangar here.

"We've got to change course because unless we do we may be looking at another recession," Romney warned. "The question of this election comes down to this: Do you want more of the same or do you want real change?"

Romney will make his "real change" pitch once more for Colorado voters this evening, in his final rally in a state expected to have razor thin margins as votes are tallied on Election Day. As he did in Wisconsin on Friday, Romney focused his remarks on promises to work across the aisle, on keeping an economic focus if elected, and on his resume as a change agent in business and in government.

“You know when I’m elected the economy and American jobs will still be stagnant, but I’m not going to waste any time complaining my predecessor," Romney said. "I will not spend my effort and time trying to pass partisan legislation that’s unrelated to the economy and jobs. From day one, I’m going to go to work to help Americans get back to work.”

Romney was joined on the stump today by his wife Ann, who along with a coterie of top aides usually based in Boston, is traveling with Romney for the final three day stretch of the campaign. Taking the stage here before a large an energetic crowd, she was visibly emotional as she recalled the long road traveled thus far in the campaign.

"That is amazing, to walk in and have this kind of emotion come to us.  It makes me believe we can win Colorado," Mrs. Romney said. "It has been quite a journey. It’s coming to a close. We have three more days."