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Romney: Is there a Romney Doctrine?

On Sunday, the New York Times wrote that Romney’s foreign-policy statements have left many GOP observers scratching their heads. “Dozens of subtle position papers flow through the candidate’s policy shop and yet seem to have little influence on Mr. Romney’s hawkish-sounding pronouncements, on everything from war to nuclear proliferation to the trade-offs in dealing with China. In the Afghanistan case, ‘none of us could quite figure out what he was advocating,’ one of Mr. Romney’s advisers said. He insisted on anonymity — as did a half-dozen others interviewed over the past two weeks — because the Romney campaign has banned any discussion of the process by which the candidate formulates his positions.”

“Mitt Romney on Saturday only briefly reaffirmed his opposition to same sex marriage – triggering a standing ovation – in a closely-watched commencement address at Liberty University in which the presumptive Republican nominee spoke in deeply religious terms about his family, his faith, and the country,” the Boston Globe writes.

“Mitt Romney spoke at a controversial Christian university Saturday to make a bid for Evangelical voters — and touted his conservative credentials by slamming same-sex marriage,” the New York Daily News writes.

“The Romney campaign on Sunday released a Mother’s Day video tribute to the candidate’s wife, Ann, a stay-at-home mom who reared the couple’s five boys,” the Boston Globe writes. “While the four-minute video features all five Romney sons praising their mother’s patience and love, in spite of their boisterousness, it does not include comments from Mitt Romney or any stories about the presumptive Republican nominee’s rambunctious behavior.” And: “That contrasts sharply with the family-themed video released by the campaign last month, which showed Ann Romney recounting the challenge of raising ‘six boys.’”

The Washington Examiner’s Klein, labeling Romney as “Mr. Nice Guy,” ticks off examples of Romney’s generosity.

The Hill: “Mitt Romney should visit Israel soon, Republican lawmakers say, claiming that such a trip would highlight the fact that President Obama has not been there during his first term.”