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Rush Limbaugh, busted

About two months ago, as controversy swirled around Rush Limbaugh, the right-wing radio host lost all kinds of advertisers who didn't want to sponsor his on-air misogyny. But the news wasn't all bad.

Despite his antics, the Missouri Legislature announced at the time that it would honor the Republican broadcaster with a statue at the state capitol, giving him a place in the Hall of Famous Missourians. Limbaugh's bust will sit alongside the likes of Mark Twain, Harry Truman, and Walt Disney.

The event for Limbaugh was held yesterday, and after delivering some remarks, the host returned to the microphone with some thoughts he'd neglected to mention. Our pal James Carter passed along this clip.

"Our so-called 'friends' on the other side of the aisle," Limbaugh said, "are deranged."

Mark Twain, Harry Truman, Walt Disney, and a misogynist who thinks Democrats are "deranged" and advocates for access to contraception are "sluts." Congratulations, Missouri.

Incidentally, Republican leaders of the Missouri House kept yesterday's event secret until 25 minutes beforehand, hoping to keep protestors away from the unveiling of Limbaugh's bronze bust.

Update: Doors to the legislative chamber were reportedly locked and guarded during Limbaugh's appearance, and Democratic lawmakers were not welcome.