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San Francisco photographer captures incredible Bay Bridge electrical storm photo

San Francisco photographer Phil McGrew says he has been trying to make a picture like this since he moved there two years ago. Thursday's violent storm finally allowed McGrew the oppertunity to make the picture, but he says he made it from inside the window of his appartment becuase he didn't want to get his camera wet.
San Francisco photographer Phil McGrew says he has been trying to make a picture like this since he moved there two years ago. Thursday's violent storm finally allowed McGrew the oppertunity to make the picture, but he says he made it from inside the window of his appartment becuase he didn't want to get his camera wet.Phil McGrew via Flickr

The Mail Online reported on Friday that an incredible eight bolts struck the Bay Bridge in San Francisco last night which was captured in this incredible shot by photographer Phil McGrew, who took the photo through the rain-soaked window of his apartment.

Mr McGrew, 49, was shocked at the striking image which shows the split-second moment of electric forks hitting the span of the bridge.

See more of Phil McGrew’s photographs on his Flickr page.