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Sarah Silverman takes on voter ID laws in profane video

Remember Sarah Silverman's 2008 campaign video encouraging young voters to convince their grandparents in Florida to vote for Obama?  Sarah Silverman and The Great Schlep was a big hit (click here to watch it).

Fast forward to 2012: the comedienne is back starring in Indecent Proposal, a political web video that raises awareness about new, tough voter ID laws in some states (a major topic here on The Ed Show).

"Indecent" is correct as the video is full of profanities and vulgar language, so BE WARNED if you watch!:

"Can you believe it's election time again? Time to go the local polling place, cross your name off the list and vote," Silverman says.  "But this year it's not going to be that easy. Because there are these brand new, super f---ed up laws which are presented as a way to prevent voter fraud, but in fact are designed to make it hard for specific people to vote."

Silverman warns "black people, elderly people, poor people and students" that the new laws make it particularly complicated for them to vote.

"Hmmm, I wonder what those demographics have in common. Oh yeah, they're probably going to vote for this guy," she says, pointing to photos of President Obama.

The video, paid for by the Jewish Council for Education and Research at, got more than one million views last week, according to data from Visible Measures.