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Thursday's campaign round-up

Today's installment of campaign-related news items that won't necessarily generate a post of their own, but may be of interest to political observers:

* With Republicans starting to spend money in Michigan, the Obama campaign is now airing this new ad, stressing the importance of the auto industry rescue, which Mitt Romney opposed.

* At the national level, a National Journalpoll shows President Obama leading Romney by five, 50% to 45%, while a Fox News poll shows the candidates tied at 46% each.

* In the Buckeye State, the Ohio Poll (pdf) conducted by the University of Cincinnati shows Obama leading Romney by two, 48% to 46%, while Public Policy Polling shows the president with a five-point advantage, 50% to 45%.

* In Wisconsin, a NBC/WSJ/Marist poll shows Obama up by three, 49% to 46%, while the Marquette University Law School poll shows the president ahead by eight, 51% to 43%.

* In Iowa, NBC/WSJ/Marist shows Obama leading by six, 50% to 44%; PPP shows Obama ahead by five, 50% to 45%; but a University of Iowa poll shows Romney up by one, 45% to 44%.

* In New Hampshire, NBC/WSJ/Marist shows Obama up by two, 49% to 47%.

* In Virginia, PPP shows Obama up by three, 49% to 46%.

* In Michigan, EPIC-MRA shows Obama leading by six, 48% to 42%.

* In Nevada, a Las Vegas Review Journal poll finds Obama with a four-point advantage, 50% to 46%.

* And in North Carolina, PPP finds Obama and Romney tied at 49% each.