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Turkey Mourns Teenager Caught in Police Crackdown

<p>15-year-old Berkin Elvan of Turkey has died after spending 269 days in a coma due to injuries sustained during a police crackdown last June.</p>
The coffin of 15-year-old Berkin Elvan is carried on Tuesday through Istanbul.AFP - Getty Images

The coffin of 15-year-old Berkin Elvan is carried through Istanbul near Okmeydani Hospital on Tuesday. The young teenager, the eighth person to be killed in the Gezi Park protests, went into a coma last June after sustaining a head injury from a gas canister as he went to buy bread during a police crackdown in Istanbul's Okmeydanõ neighborhood.

The mother of 15-year-old Berkin Elvan cries after the death of her son at Okmeydani Hospital on Tuesday.BULENT KILIC / AFP - Getty Images

Elvan's story, spending 269 days comatose, gripped the nation and became a symbol of the heavy-handed tactics used by police to reign in the biggest demonstrations against Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan since he came to power in 2003.

Tuesday's rekindling of frustrations later led to an eruption of violent protests between Turkish police and hundreds of the mourners and demonstrators outside the hospital.

Turkish protesters attack a riot police vehicle during clashes outside Okmeydani Hospital in Istanbul on Tuesday following the death of Berkin Elvan.BULENT KILIC / AFP - Getty Images

-- Agence France-Presse contributed to this report