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Twitter's new 'galleries' reveal your recent photos


Twitter is rolling out a new feature called "user galleries" right now. It's basically a neat and organized way to view the last 100 photos you or another user tweeted — all in one place.

The galleries can be accessed by heading to a Twitter profile and clicking the "view all" button found next to the recent images — which now appear in the right column.

(Alternatively, you can also simply head to!/TWITTERUSERNAME/media/grid after replacing "TWITTERUSERNAME" with the name of your choice.)

Once you're on the gallery page, you can choose between two different viewing options:

  • The grid view will show you thumbnails of all images [Twitter is] able to display.
  • The detail view will show you the most recent image, complete with the body of the Tweet displayed below it and thumbnails for other images above it.

According to Twitter, the photos found in either view come from "Twitter, yFrog, TwitPic, Instagram and other image sharing services supported in Twitter's details pane." It's worth noting that photos tweeted before January 1, 2010 will not appear in the galleries — even if they are among the last 100 photos a user has added. 


The user galleries feature may not appear to every user just yet, but don't worry: Twitter is working on rolling it out to everyone soon.

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Rosa Golijan writes about tech here and there. She's obsessed with Twitter and loves to be liked on FacebookOh, and she can be found on Google+, too.