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Water. Rest. Shade.

The Occupational Safety & Health Administration launched an effort to prevent heat illnesses among outdoor workers, and at face value, this wouldn't be especially noteworthy. On the contrary, this is a basic part of OSHA's mission, in this case, the agency recommends, "Water. Rest. Shade. The work can't get done without them."

So why am I mentioning this? Because, as Steve M. noticed, Fox News' website put its own unique spin on what seems like a fairly mundane story.

Obviously, if the Obama administration is trying to prevent heat strokes, the relevant takeaway is that the president is attacking Americans who work outside, right?

Fox Nation has an amazing track record of putting silly spins on routine news stories, but going after the administration over heat strokes is breaking new ground.

I'm not sure whether to be annoyed by Fox's ridiculous standards or impressed with its creativity.