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Wednesday's campaign round-up

Today's installment of campaign-related news items that won't necessarily generate a post of their own, but may be of interest to political observers:

* A group called Americans for a Conservative Direction, led by several notable Republicans including Haley Barbour and Dan Senor, has launched a seven-figure ad buy hoping to boost conservative support for comprehensive immigration reform. The spot it set to run in Florida, Texas, Utah, North Carolina, Iowa, and Kentucky.

* Americans for Responsible Solutions, the group created by Gabrielle Giffords and Mark Kelly, are launching radio ads in Kentucky and New Hampshire, slamming Republican Sens. Mitch McConnell and Kelly Ayotte for their votes against expanded background checks. The group is reportedly spending several hundred thousand dollars on the ads.

* To the disappointment of her state party, Iowa Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds (R) has decided not to run for the Senate next year, hoping instead to run for governor.

* In New Hampshire, a PPP survey for the League of Conservation Voters found former Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown (R) trailing Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D) in a hypothetical match-up by 11 points, 52% to 41%. A 54% majority of respondents said Brown should not run in the Granite State.

* The bad news for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) is that his re-election lead over state Sen. Barbara Buono (D) has slipped in a new Quinnipiac poll. The good news for Christie is that he's still up by 32 points.

* Speaking of the Garden State, the same poll shows Sen. Bob Menendez's (D) approval rating bouncing back now that the accusations from the Daily Caller have been discredited.

* And as hard as it may be to believe, Nevada's Sharron Angle (R) told supporters this week that "it's a possibility" she would run for Senate again.