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Will Romney choose a 'boring, white guy' for VP running mate?

In some ways, the 2008 presidential campaign feels like a lifetime ago.

But that's not stopping Mitt Romney's campaign from looking to John McCain for answers on how to guide the ship.

What has the Romney campaign learned from John McCain's 2008 presidential campaign and how are they using what they've learned?

As he does on most mornings, Politico's Mike Allen joined us today to give us some clues.

" of the places this starts is with the VP selection process," Allen says. "Now the McCain people will tell you for months and months, they had a normal selection process for the Vice President. You vet people; you do a long list; you do a short list. But at the end, of course, they went with the Hail Mary. That has made an unorthodox surprise choice by Mitt Romney impossible."

Some of the names Romney could be considering for the gig include Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, N.J. Gov. Chris Christie and Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, to name a few. Romney may announce his pick for running mate in August at the Republican National Convention in Tampa.

One thing Allen is certain of is Romney will be unwilling to go out on a limb in making his choice.

"The Sarah Palin experience means that Mitt Romney is going to wind up with what we’ve agreed around the table here is a boring white guy," Allen adds.

Allen also says Romney's campaign is taking away other key bits of learning from McCain's presidential campaign.

"They want to show Mitt Romney as a stable, competent, mature adult alternative to Obama. Also, they’re going to make sure to embrace the economy and not get off it. That’s why you’ve seen Mitt Romney talking so little about gay marriage, and he’s going to talk even less about it in the days ahead."