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Ryan Unveils 2015 Budget

The proposal would cut spending by $5.1 trillion over the next ten years and spur dramatic changes to federal social programs.
House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) was confronted during a listening session in Racine, Wisconsin Wednesday by a constituent who said Ryan's recent comments regarding inner city men and poverty appeared to him to be racial.Frank Thorp / NBC News

Republican House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan is unveiling his 2015 budget, a 100-page document that would cut spending by $5.1 trillion over the next ten years and spur dramatic changes to social programs.

The plan, which Ryan says would balance the budget over the course of the decade, would repeal the Affordable Care Act, restructure entitlement programs and reshape food stamp programs into block grants.

While the plan’s fiscal goals will help conservatives burnish their credentials as budget hawks, its deep cuts to safety net programs will undoubtedly draw criticism from Democrats who will argue that the proposal would harm the disadvantaged and the elderly.

Ryan's newest budget includes many of the reforms and cuts included in his previous plans, which have become political fodder for attack ads in previous elections.

In a statement, White House press secretary Jay Carney said the budget would "slow the economy, stack the deck against the middle class, and threaten the guaranteed benefits seniors have paid for and earned."

Chief among the proposals that will draw ire from Democrats: Ryan’s suggested transformation of Medicare to a “premium support” model, which aides stress is “not a voucher program.”

A NBC/WSJ poll released last month found that 69 percent of voters say they are less likely to vote for a candidate who supports reductions in Medicare and Social Security benefits to address the budget deficit -- the worst candidate quality in the poll.

The budget would also set into motion Social Security reforms and a block-granting of food stamp programs that aides said would save $125 billion over the course of 10 years.

Ryan’s proposal adheres to the $1,013.6 billion top-line budget number that he and Senate Budget Committee head Patty Murray negotiated last year.

The legislation will be considered by the House Budget Committee on Wednesday, and Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor has said the House is expected to vote on the budget next week.

You can read the full budget here.

NBC's Carrie Dann contributed to this report.