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Senate Democrats Prep Election Year Votes

Senate Democrats will line up a series of votes on proposals they favor to help position their party for the midterm elections.
Image: Harry Reid, Patty Murray, Michael Bennet
J. Scott Applewhite / AP

Senate Democrats will line up a series of votes on proposals they favor to help position their party for the midterm elections.

Facing political headwinds that favor the GOP and a difficult campaign map this autumn, Democrats said they'll stage votes on the minimum wage, pay equality, college affordability and other carefully crafted measures to put their Republican opponents on the spot.

The strategy has long been telegraphed by Democrats, and is finally coming to fruition this spring. Republicans complained the tactic was scarcely about legislating, and more about beating up the GOP in an election year.

The push on Capitol Hill is coordinated with the White House; sources said President Obama would plan trips aimed at highlighting the agenda. The message mirrors what Democrats did in 2012, when Obama ran against Republican Mitt Romney and painted the GOP as favoring the wealthy over middle class Americans.

Kasie Hunt contributed to this report.