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First Read's Morning Clips: A Reality Check on Early Voting

A roundup of the most important political news stories of the day.
Image: Sen. Marco Rubio Cast His Ballot During Early Voting In Florida
Voters cast their votes at an early voting center setup for the general election on October 31, 2016 in Miami, Florida.Joe Raedle / Getty Images

OFF TO THE RACES: Reality Check

Can you really vote early — and then change your vote? Ari Melber takes a look at the complicated state-by-state rules.

Clinton told Arizona voters that Democrats can turn the state blue again, NBC’s Monica Alba reports. And NBC’s Ali Vitali notes Donald Trump’s efforts to “stay on point” in the final stretch.

Trump is also telling supporters to “pretend we’re down.”

And POLITICO notes how both candidates are begging their bases to get excited and to avoid complacency.

The Washington Post, on the frenetic pace of the final days: "The presidential campaign broke into a final, urgent sprint Wednesday as Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton and their allies fanned across the country, warning supporters against complacency and pressing their case to the remaining pool of ambivalent voters. The tightness of the race — and the multiple states poised to have a pivotal effect on the outcome — was apparent in the vast distances covered by the candidates and their surrogates, as well as the tens of millions of dollars in advertising lined up to fill the airwaves in the last days."

The AP breaks down what we can learn from early voting data.

Is there such a thing as a “shy Trump voter?” POLITICO says – not so much.

From the New York Times: "President Obama threw the power of the White House behind Hillary Clinton on Wednesday. He faulted how the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, handled new emails related to the investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s private server, and then shouted out to college students here in a pivotal battleground state that it was crucial that they vote because the “fate of the world is teetering.”

"Senior FBI officials were informed about the discovery of new emails potentially relevant to the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server at least two weeks before Director James B. Comey notified Congress, according to federal officials familiar with the investigation,” the Washington Post reports.

And even more, from the Wall Street Journal: "Secret recordings of a suspect talking about the Clinton Foundation fueled an internal battle between FBI agents who wanted to pursue the case and corruption prosecutors who viewed the statements as worthless hearsay, people familiar with the matter said."

The Center for Public Integrity: "Republican super PAC Future45 is back, with fresh cash from casino mogul Sheldon Adelson and Spanish-language ads attacking Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton for past remarks she's made about illegal immigration. “

The New York Times, on how Putin’s Russia could interfere with the election: "America’s top intelligence officials say he is highly unlikely to be able to alter the results. But they expect Russian hackers, or others, to try to disrupt the process — perhaps to help Donald J. Trump, but more likely to simply undercut what Mr. Putin views as America’s holier-than-thou attitudes about its democratic procedures."

Clinton surrogate Madeleine Albright in USA Today: “For years, Russia and other authoritarian governments have been waging a shadow campaign to discredit democratic institutions worldwide, focusing much of their energy on Europe and former Soviet states in Asia. The goal is not necessarily to prove the superiority of their system, but to diminish the appeal of representative government and to undermine Western leaders by making them seem corrupt or malicious.”

And the anti-Trump group Not Who We Are PAC has brought the domain address to, and it says “33.7% Chance of Trump Presidency” – before directing you to find your voting place and ballot information.