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Obama and Putin talk Sochi security, Syria

President Barack Obama spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin Tuesday amid safety concerns about the upcoming Olympic games in Sochi. 

The White House said the two men "discussed how best to advance shared U.S.-Russian interests, including a safe and secure Sochi Olympics, for which the United States has offered its full assistance." 

Russian security officials are working to thwart what they believe to be planned terror attacks on the Olympic torch relay by "black widows" -- would-be suicide bombers who are the wives of militants killed by police. 

Obama and Putin also spoke about the situation in Syria and efforts to roll back Iran's nuclear program, the White House said. 

 They discussed the situation in Syria, including preparations for the Geneva II conference and the ongoing international program to remove and destroy Syria’s chemical weapons.  They discussed U.S.-Russian cooperation in the P5+1 process on Iran and the start this week of implementation of the Joint Plan of Action, which will halt progress on Iran’s nuclear program and roll it back in key respects.