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The race isn't looking good for Romney

Things aren't looking too good these days for Mitt Romney's campaign. Gaffe after gaffe has led him to dig a deep hole he now has to try and climb out of...

If you tune into conservative media outlets, they'll tell you the bad polling data is a liberal media plot to keep Republicans from voting...

Meanwhile, Romney is still on the hook for telling fundraisers he thinks nearly half the people in the country are "lazy" and feel "entitled" to government benefits, despite all the other taxes they pay...

Romney hasn't convinced critics that his comments don't represent his real opinions about the 47 percent. Instead, he tried to piggy-back on the outcry over an old video of Barack Obama talking about "redistribution" of wealth, but that only distracted voters for a short amount of time...

Unfortunately for Republicans, Romney's personality is about as warm and inviting as plants that grow in the heat of the desert...