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Darth Vader visits Disneyland, rides the teacups

Hey Darth Vader, your boss' company just got bought for $4 billion! What are you going to do now? Obviously, you're going to Disneyland.

Back in June 2011, Disney released a fun video showing Darth Vader enjoying Disneyland with a constant escort of two stormtroopers.  This week, after the Mouse purchased Lucasfilm, the parent company of "Star Wars," the company recut the video and uploaded it again with opening text referencing the sale.

Old or new, it's a hoot to see the Dark Lord of the Sith spinning around in a teacup, riding high in Dumbo, mellowing out on the carousel and picking up popcorn. It's unclear how he would eat it, though, since one of the accompanying stormtroopers realizes too late he doesn't have a mouth to sip the tasty beverage he just purchased.

If you want to see a slightly longer version of Darth at Disney, check out the 2011 version, which includes Darth being frustrated by the then-closed "Star Wars" Star Tours attraction and finally using his powers to declare it open.

Should you happen to be at Disneyland, though, and see the Dark One striding around, we highly suggest you let him cut in line.

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