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'Twilight' fans, don't leave the theater until after 'Breaking Dawn Part 2' credits roll

courtesy Summit Entertainment

Spoiler alert: If you don't want to know about the post-credits scene in "Breaking Dawn Part 2," stop reading now.

"Twilight" fans may be dreading the moment when the final scene ends during "Breaking Dawn Part 2" and the movie's credits begin to roll. But even once that happens, Twihards should stay glued to their seats -- and not just because they want to see the name of the film's craft services director roll by.

courtesy Summit Entertainment

Nikki Reed, who plays vampire Rosalie in the movie, recently revealed to MTV News that the film will feature a post-credits scene showing all 150 cast members performing a choreographed dance number. And apparently it was a surprise only to the film's director, Bill Condon.

"It was a surprise moment on set that was pretty incredible," the 24-year-old told the outlet. "That day, there were about 150 of us, and we all came together and surprised Bill. ... It took a couple of practice runs, and we had one drill sergeant who was in charge of gathering everyone. I got really into it. I was so into it that I wanted to be in the front row."

Reed's not the only one who's talked about the scene. Kellan Lutz, who plays vampire Emmett Cullen, Rosalie's husband, told The Insider that the cast has been encouraged to tell fans not to leave the theater early.

"They're really going to love it, and Bill even told me to tell fans to stay for the credits — a really special thing is happening after the surprise ending," Lutz said. 

The actors who play vampires from the Denali coven have also talked about the scene. Maggie Grace, Mia Maestro and Casey LaBow discussed the dance at San Diego Comic-Con earlier this summer.

"We needed the morale boost, I think, to unite us all in vampirehood and joy," Grace said.

The "Twilight" cast won't be the first to engage in a giant dance. In 2008, "Slumdog Millionaire" features the cast dancing a lively choreographed number to "Jai Ho," which won both an Oscar and a Golden Globe for best song.

Maestro said she organized the "Twilight" dance, which is set to the Eurythmics' "Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)," with a hint of another famed 1980s hit.

"There's a vampire thing in there," Grace told MTV News. "A little 'Thriller.' "

The film, which opens on Nov. 16, has already sold over $1 million worth of tickets.

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