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The Car That Landed Justin Bieber in jail

<p>Pop singer Justin Bieber's latest brush with law enforcement landed him in jail early Thursday morning after being pulled over while allegedly drag racing in Miami Beach. Bieber was driving a rented Lamborghini at the time.</p>
The yellow Lamborghini singer Justin Bieber was arrested in on suspicion of drag racing and DUI
The yellow Lamborghini singer Justin Bieber was arrested in on suspicion of drag racing and DUIKrista Brunson / NBC News

Pop singer Justin Bieber's latest brush with law enforcement landed him in jail early Thursday morning after being pulled over while allegedly drag racing in Miami Beach. Bieber was driving a rented Lamborghini at the time. A police spokesman said he will be charged with DUI, resisting arrest, and driving with an expired Georgia driver's license.

An employee with Tremont Towing in Miami Beach confirmed that the yellow Lamborghini pictured here is the car Bieber was driving when taken into custody. (Tremont Towing is well known in South Florida, and to fans of the truTV reality show "Miami Beach Tow.")

The yellow Lamborghini singer Justin Bieber was arrested in on suspicion of drag racing and DUI
The yellow Lamborghini singer Justin Bieber was arrested in on suspicion of drag racing and DUIKrista Brunson / NBC News

The incident occured around 4 a.m. local time, according to police. Bieber was pulled over along with another car. He was being trailed by multiple SUVs when officers gave chase, police sources told NBC 6 South Florida.

He failed a sobriety test at the scene and was taken into custody, police said. The other driver was also arrested. No one was injured.

Bieber is expected to be booked into the Miami-Dade County Jail later Thursday, according to police.

Bieber has been spotted in different places around Miami in the past few days, including a Miami Beach skate shop in a photo posted on Instagram.