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Northeast Hit by Snow, Bitter Cold

<p>Freezing temperatures and up to 15 inches of snow caused havoc for millions, but some braved the cold to make the most of the winter weather.</p>
Image: Robert Burck, also known as the original 'Naked Cowboy', performs in a snow storm on the streets of Times Square, New York
Robert Burck, also known as the original 'Naked Cowboy', performs in a snow storm on the streets of Times Square, New York January 21, 2014. A winter storm packing snow and Arctic cold slammed the northeastern United States on Tuesday, grounding 3,000 flights, shutting down governments and schools and making travel a potential nightmare for millions. Burck, who started performing in Times Square in 1998, claims to make up to $150,000 a year in tips alone. DARREN ORNITZ / Reuters