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Camera app only lets you take a single photo

One Memento
After breaking theOne Memento

There's a new camera app for people who miss the old days of permanent photos like Polaroid and 35mm film. One Memento works like other photo apps, but it only lets you take one single photo.

Described as "a photography experiment" by its creators, One Memento asks a question few people bother considering these days: If you could only take one photo to share with the world, what would it be? In this day and age of Twitter and Instagram, people easily share several photos a day, so this may actually be quite a challenge.

One Memento
One Memento

When you break the "seal" on One Memento, you get to take a single picture (with a 2-hour edit window in case someone blinks), add a filter, and then upload it to a gallery with everyone else's "mementos." Whenever you open the app after that, it'll go straight to the gallery, so you can see what other people decided was worth their shot.

The app is free, but once you download it, you'll have to register with a Facebook or Twitter account, meaning you can't download it again unless you use someone else's identity, or a fake persona.

More than 400 people have submitted their mementos so far, which may not sound like a lot, but remember that the point is to hold onto the app until you find something really worthwhile. There's a limit of 250,000 total, so if you're interested, head over to the App Store now and grab your copy of One Memento.

Devin Coldewey is a contributing writer for NBC News Digital. His personal website is