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Pebble smartwatch gets new color but misses shipping date

Pebble Technology, the reigning champion of Kickstarter projects, has made a slightly disappointing announcement on its project page. Its hotly-anticipated Pebble smartwatch was originally scheduled to ship in September, but manufacturing issues mean that's not going to happen. On the other hand, there's a hot new color for certain backers.

The team says it's well on its way to get the factories in motion, but the original plans (before the project blew up and got tens of thousands of backers) only called for 1,000 Pebbles to be made a day, and the team now needs to make arrangements for 15 times that amount.

Pebble PCB

Pebble Technology posted a few pictures of the watch's components, such as the main PCB, with an interesting wraparound design for some of the circuitry.

The team also announced that backers who pledged $125 or more will be able to choose to get their watch in a new color: orange. More than 10,000 backers voted and about 20 percent of them chose orange; people who voted otherwise are already complaining in the comments of the project page and Pebble's Pinterest page.

No estimated shipping date was given, though the team has been conscientious about updates and will likely post on the Kickstarter page as soon as that information is available.

Devin Coldewey is a contributing writer for NBC News. His personal website is