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Fast Food for Googlers: Search Results Now Show Nutrition for Popular Chains

Google will provide more accessible, detailed results about specific items and full menus at popular chains.
A boy eats a hamburger
A boy eats a hamburger AP file

Eating at major restaurant chains and fast-food joints can be quick and easy, but some of the menu items are calorie bombs. Now, diet-minded diners can search for their favorite foods, and Google will provide more accessible, detailed results about specific items and full menus at popular chains.

Google "Big Mac calories," for example, and large box pops up announcing "563 calories." Click a dropdown menu to get details for item variations, like a Big Mac without sauce. To the right is a column that looks like a nutritional label: details about total fat content, cholesterol, protein, etc.

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Diners can also get a full menu view for the chain of their choice. Google "Chili's calories" and a scrollable listing of menu items with calorie counts appears across the top of the page. Googlers can click each item for more information about just how guilty they need to feel after hitting the drive-through.