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It's a Bust: Amazon Discontinues the Disappointing Fire Phone

On the same day that Apple unveiled its latest iPhone models, Amazon admitted that it did not plan to continue its Fire Phone.
Image: Amazon Fire phone
Amazon in September cut the price of its Fire phone from $199 to 99 cents with a two-year contract.Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

On the same day that Apple unveiled its latest iPhone models, Amazon admitted that it did not plan to continue its Fire Phone.

The listing for the device on Amazon's website says it is unavailable and "we don't know when or if this item will be back in stock." A spokeswoman for Amazon told CNBC that the company has sold through its inventory and has no plans to replenish its Fire Phone stock at this time.

But, she added, Amazon will "of course" continue to support the phone for customers who already purchased the device.

Read More: Amazon's $50 tablet could boost Prime memberships

The Fire Phone had received poor reviews since its 2014 release. The Verge originally reported Wednesday that Amazon had sold all of its devices and has no plans to build more.

But Amazon is not giving up on hardware: The company is slated to unveil a $50 tablet later this year, according to an earlier report.

Related: Amazon Fire Phone Proves to Be an Expensive Flop