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Facebook Now Lets You Ban Stories From Publications You Hate

<p>Don't let terrible articles clutter your News Feed.</p>
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It’s not you, it’s your status updates.

Luckily, Facebook understands the complicated nature of online relationships. That is why it now gives you the option of blocking specific websites without blocking the person who shares them.

Facebook users already have the ability to “Unfollow” people, making them disappear from their News Feed while not technically “unfriending” them. But, as On The Media recently discovered, now you can simply “Hide” all the content from websites you find objectionable.

Say you have a friend, Jethro. You love when he posts photos of his cats and funny videos on YouTube. But he also shares tons of celeb gossip from TMZ. (No offense to TMZ).

Now, instead of banishing him from your News Feed, you can simply click the arrow on the top right of his post, scroll down to “Hide all from TMZ,” and there you go –- no more Kim Kardashian clogging up your computer screen.