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Be the first to get your tablet...chair!

The Tablet Chair -- seriously -- from Pyramat.
The Tablet Chair -- seriously -- from Pyramat.

We have computer chairs, why not a tablet chair? Well, now there's that, too. With the expected boom in tablet buying coming, spurred by the iPad and now by other competitors, Pyramat unveiled its Tablet Chair and Tablet Chair DLX at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.

It looks, well, a little ... silly. But the chairs are the "first accessory for tablet users to become fully and comfortably immersed in their own world of personal technology," says the Los Angeles-based company in a news release.

"The Tablet Chair offers an integrated tablet support system featuring an adjustable swivel arm, built-in speakers, USB power" and well as portrait and landscape view capabilities via a chair arm. (Hey: Why should you be bothered to use your own arm?)

The chairs also have an MP3 cable jack, and are "compatible with all tablet PCs," including the iPad.

You won't be able to get one right away, though. The chairs are due out this fall. The basic Tablet Chair will retail for $139.99, and the DLX model, $179.99 (you get Pyramat's "Powersub subwoofer" on the more expensive model).