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Every Pee-wee Herman 'secret word' ever now online

 "The Pee-wee Herman revival rollicking at full steam, what better time than now to wax nostalgic for 'Pee-wee's Playhouse,' one of the most subversive, brilliant, and groundbreaking achievements in television and children's programming?" writes Urlesque's Eliot Glazer. Indeed. Truer words were never blogged.  

If you're too young and/or willfully ignorant to remember the Saturday morning show (1987-1990) or the original adult-oriented "Pee-wee Herman Show" (1980) currently in revival on Broadway, hit up Netflix and pop-culture educate yourself ASAP.

Meanwhile, check out this super-cut of every "secret word" issued at the beginning every "Pee-wee's Playhouse" episode. Generally issued by Conky, the show's resident robot, the secret word came with a strict mandate: If someone accidentally said the secret word, everyone had to scream.



All the kids are doin' it! Follow Helen A.S. Popkin on Twitter , or just friend her on Facebook . What are ya, chicken?