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Get support and info on Hurricane Irene network

While it seems that there's no shortage of Hurricane Irene-related information available on the Internet, it can be extremely helpful to have that information — evacuation maps, Red Cross Safety Tips, what would it look like if Irene really slammed Manhattan — all in one place.

A newly launched community-powered support network for Hurricane Irene serves as "a public service to give people a place to get Hurricane Irene news, share ideas on how to prepare for a hurricane and help one another with preparing," according to its landing page description.

The Hurricane Irene network allows users to share ideas, report problems and give praise, and includes a handy set of links to evacuation maps and disaster preparedness information. It lives on the community platform for Get Satisfaction, a San Francisco-based company that helps businesses connect with customers through forums.

Currently there are only 19 members in the Hurricane Irene network, but the potential value is there. Accessing Facebook and Twitter in the event of big news is the automatic reflex for many of us, whether we're looking for news or just to connect. The Hurricane Irene network, however, includes a host of resources and news in the same place where you can connect with others affected by the storm. And unlike our daily social networks, there's no need to endure what someone had for breakfast or their final thoughts on Kim Kardashian's nuptials to find the help you need.

via The Next Web

More on Hurricane Irene resources:

Helen A.S. Popkin goes blah blah blah about the Internet. Tell her to get a real job on Twitter and/or Facebook Also, Google+.