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'The Office' in the form of 'Counter-Strike'

\"The Office\" & \"Counter-Strike,\" the ultimate combo.
\"The Office\" & \"Counter-Strike,\" the ultimate combo.NBC & Valve

Modders are essential to many PC games; they help breathe life in various titles, by either creating new content or reconfiguring existing assets, usually both. It's quite the art form, and as such, many mods, or modifications, are an extension of those who create them, often reflecting their tastes. Even if they have nothing to do with a game itself.

The end result can sometimes offer crossover appeal. In this particular instance, if you've always wanted to roam the halls of Dunder Mifflin, from NBC's "The Office," and also enjoying tactical, first person shooting, the kind of gameplay "Counter-Strike" provides, your day has come:

( is a joint venture of Microsoft and NBCUniversal.)

According to TechCrunch, work began on the custom map in 2009. Since then, the modder has spent 500 hours, between watching episodes and constantly hitting the pause button, to examine every single inch of the fictional paper company's work space, and re-creating them in-game.

He or she also is also looking for assistance to help finish the project. Apparently, the creator doesn't have much time to spare these days. The only prerequisites are: "Need to be experienced, very good at detail, likes The Office and have a sh*tload of time on their hands."

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Matthew Hawkins is a NYC based game journalist who has also written for EGM, GameSetWatch, Gamasutra, Giant Robot, and numerous others. He also self-publishes his own game culture zine, is part of Attract Mode, and co-hosts of The Fangamer Podcast. You can keep tabs on him via Twitter, or his personal home-base,