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Only a quarter of Facebook's 600 million users are in U.S.

If you have a Facebook account, you're one of 149 million Americans who have integrated the social network into their lives. With Facebook users numbering over 600 million worldwide, the U.S. presence accounts for almost 25 percent, making it a social media superpower (at least with Facebook). No other country comes close to the U.S. numbers, but it's still a little surprising Americans don't make up a bigger piece of the pie.

About 70 percent of those 149 million are on auto pilot when it comes to Facebook, logging on daily to get their fix of friends' news feeds, updated kid pics and FarmVille/CityVille.

The numbers were announced this morning in a joint event by Facebook marketing company Buddy Media and Ogilvy, with Facebook’s head of U.S. agency relations Sarah Personette doing the honors. Buddy Media CEO Michael Lazerow tweeted the message out, along with a photo taken during the event, which we've also re-posted here. (Hat tip to TechCrunch and Leena Rao for the heads-up.)

That photo shows the two way distant runners-up to the U.S. crown: the UK, with 29 million active users, and France, with 22 million.

While Facebook's official stats sheet still lists 500 million users, several outlets have reported it surpassing the 600 million mark, including All Facebook and Business Insider (using Facebook mega investor Goldman Sachs as the source).

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Check out Technolog on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Athima Chansanchai, who is one of those 104 million and change who logs on daily to Facebook.