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Pre-caffeine tech: Iceland porn, Oscar animals!

via BuzzFeed
via BuzzFeed

Our pre-caffeine roundup is a collection of the hottest, strangest, and most amusing stories of the morning.

From celebrities' candid behind-the-scenes photos to their funny tweets and Facebook posts, there was almost more going on offscreen at the Oscars than on the broadcast. Here were our favorite posts from the stars.

Satirical news outlet "The Onion" deleted its failed joke tweet about child Oscar nominee Quvenzhane Wallis.

There was a super-scary NASCAR crash over the weekend, but you won't see it on YouTube. Not anymore, anyway. Here's why.

Meanwhile, Iceland wants to ban Internet porn. Good luck with that!

You are once again warned to lock down your Facebook privacy before Graph Search hits your profile. Here's what to do.

Meanwhile, the fashionably late HP Slate 7, HP’s first Google-powered tablet made its debut at the Mobile World Congress, and will cost just $169. Check it out!

And the rumors you might've heard are true: Samsung's got a new 8-inch tablet, appropriately named the Galaxy Note 8.0, on the way.

Y'all love white iPhones so much ... Moleskin added two extra pages to its white bookie thingies.

In closing: The 2013 Oscar nominees and their animal doppelgängers!

Compiled by Helen A.S. Popkin, who invites you to join her on Twitter and/or Facebook.