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Pre-caffeine tech: Social media smackdown, Monkey photobombs!

Our pre-caffeine roundup is a collection of the hottest, strangest, and most amusing stories of the morning. Here's everything that you need to know before taking that first sip of coffee today:

Wednesday night, we jumped at a tweet that read "Google+ is now open to anyone with a Google account ... alas, it was a tease.

Facebook's "Awesome" announcement yesterday? Skype video calling! (Also, an attempt to distract you from Google+.)

What does this "Awesome" announcement mean for the children? (Won't somebody please think of the children?!)

Here's what Facebook and Google video chat means for your TV.

Almost 1M people actually pay to use Hulu.

Oh the insidious evils of "Like" culture!

Meanwhile, Spotify, a popular music streaming service, is finally coming to the U.S. and the Internet is practically roaring with excitement!

If you're interested in something other than iPad, Motorola axed $100 off the price of its WiFi-only Xoom tablet

This iPhone plastic surgery app may give you one ugly surprise.

Nerd hero Nathan Fillion warns of grave gamer affliction!

Oh! And camera-stealing monkey "Herd U Lyke Photobombs!"

Helen A.S. Popkin goes blah blah blah about the Internet. Follow her on Twitter and/or the Facebook , won't you?