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Sir Paul McCartney making music with 'Halo' creators

Paul McCartney and Marty O'Donnell
Paul McCartney and Marty O'Donnell made sweet video game music together.Paul McCartney

Former Beatle and all around rock n' roll super star Sir Paul McCartney has revealed that he is working on a new kind of music -- video game music.

McCartney used his Twitter account over the weekend to reveal that he is working with Bungie -- the development company behind the famed "Halo" video game series.

"I'm really excited to be working on writing music with @bungie, the studio that made Halo," came the tweet along with the above photograph of McCartney and Marty O'Donnell -- the Bungie composer well-known for his "Halo" game scores.

From his own Twitter account, O'Donnell said the photo had been shot in May at Abbey Road Studios.

Though neither McCartney nor O'Donnell specified what game they are working on, it was recently revealed that Bungie is working on a new four-game sci-fi series known as "Destiny."  So I'm willing to bet good money that McCartney is lending his musical touch to that highly anticipated series.

It makes sense that Bungie would want to bring in some big names for its next big game franchise. Coming from the creators of "Halo," "Destiny" will surely have everyone's attention.

Still, some young people seemed surprised that an, eh, older gentleman such as McCartney would be involved with a video game project. 

One McCartney fan going by the Twitter name "Lolita" replied to the ex-Beatle's tweet with this question: "How do you even know what Halo is?"

Winda Benedetti writes about video games for You can follow her tweets about games and other things on Twitter here @WindaBenedetti and you follow her on Google+. Meanwhile, be sure to check out the IN-GAME FACEBOOK PAGE to discuss the day's gaming news and reviews.