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Snapchat: Sorry about the spam (but it's not hack-related)


Hot on the heels of a huge leak of user data, image-sharing app Snapchat is reportedly experiencing above-average levels of spam. The company said it was sorry in a short blog post Monday.

"We want to apologize for any unwanted Snaps and let you know our team is working on resolving the issue," read the post. "As far as we know, this is unrelated to the Find Friends issue we experienced over the holidays."

The "issue" was a security flaw that allowed hackers to scrape around 4.6 million user names and phone numbers from the service's databases. The company had had ample warning and claimed just before the breach that it had taken countermeasures.

A recent update to the app should help lock things down, but the spam will likely continue as "the consequence of a quickly growing service," as the blog post put it — unless, of course, users select the option to only receive pictures and videos from friends.

Devin Coldewey is a contributing writer for NBC News Digital. His personal website is