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Will you survive 'Modern Warfare 3'?

The latest trailer for "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3" gives you a closer look at the Spec Ops mode called Survival. Survival is all about just that, surviving as long as you can as waves and waves of enemies attack you and your teammates.

I played the mode at E3 this year and one significant difference from previous Spec Ops missions is that the maps are the same as regular multiplayer maps so the Spec Ops missions provide good training for player vs. player battles. The other exciting change is the ability to summon your own A.I. squad to battle along side you.

For more "Modern Warfare 3" news see:

 Todd Kenreck is the game editor at and In-Game. You can follow his rants about the video game industry right here on Facebook and at the In-Game Facebook page.