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Pre-caffeine tech: Hacked cars, destroyed dreams! 

Our pre-caffeine roundup is a collection of the hottest, strangest, and most amusing stories of the morning.

UK cops arrested a man in connection with online threats made toward a feminist campaigner, a case which has ignited calls for social media platforms to institute stronger protections.

Two "white hat" hackers are ready to release software they built for hacking the cars at the Def Con hacking convention in Las Vegas this week.

Here's how supercomputers solve giant problems.

Here's how social media helps track property lost in Holocaust.

And here's how Internet hatred can destroy your soul and dreams!

Don't blame Santa: Xbox and PlayStation supply probably won't meet demand ... again.

Sex and video games? Virtual reality erotica may be the Holy Grail!

In related news, the Atlantic has everything you need to knnow about "The Tragic Drama of Anthony Weiner."

In closing, this Google researcher won a giant prize from the NSA, then trashed the government for spying. Awesome.

Compiled by Helen A.S. Popkin, who invites you to join her on Twitter and/or Facebook.