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NASA 'Mohawk Guy' makes cameo in latest  iPhone 5 parody 

iPhone 5 parody
Satire / YouTube

As soon as the iPhone 5 was announced with its tall screen, we all know what jokes were coming. But that doesn't mean they aren't funny — and when you throw a certain Mars rover celebrity into the mix, it's a guaranteed hit.

iPhone 5 parody
Satire / YouTube

This new parody video, by YouTube comedy channel Satire, imagines an iPhone taken to the limits of tallness — with a few clever applications that seem like they might actually work. The panorama function certainly is a natural fit.

But in order add a little star power to their video (so to speak), they recruited Bobak Ferdowsi, the mohawked JPL engineer who enjoyed internet stardom after the Curiosity Mars Rover's safe landing. He's pictured strumming his iPhone 5 like a guitar by a sign reading "Will work for peanuts" — a reference to the lucky peanuts enjoyed by NASA engineers at critical mission moments.

It gives the already-enjoyable video a little bit of an internet-insider feeling. Watch the parody above if you haven't already.

Devin Coldewey is a contributing writer for NBC News Digital. His personal website is