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Share your Election Day experience

How were your experiences with voting? Send us your video, photos or personal report.

How about sharing with us a short account of the mood and what it was like at your polling place? What was your neighborhood like when the election results were announced? How did voting — and Tuesday night's results — make you feel? Were you at an election night viewing party, perhaps in Grant Park, Chicago or in Harlem, New York?

Cell phone and smartphone users:

Use your phone's email or MMS (multimedia message service) to send photos or video to

Some phones can easily send photos to contacts in the address book.  We have provided this vCard that allows you to easily add “FirstPerson” to your mobile contacts list.

Include a descriptive subject line so editors can easily find your submission.

In the body of your message, include additional details about the content: who, what, when, where, etc.